A rhyming children’s book to introduce opposites while teaching empathy through the lens of a unique & misunderstood animal

Now Available in English, French or Spanish!
Ever felt misunderstood? We’ve all been in that uncomfortable spot where we thought, “If only they knew the real me, things would be different.”
Opossums deserve an extreme reputation makeover. They’ve been called dumpster divers, disease-ridden trash cats and worse!
They’ve been underappreciated and misunderstood long enough. These lovable, gentle creatures are simply shy, introverted spirits who avoid the spotlight, but as cleaner-uppers, they are essential to our ecosystem.

Opossum Opposites playfully progresses through the life cycle of one of nature’s unsung heroes and teaches readers of all ages about why we should respect and protect them. Readers gain a greater understanding of opossums’ importance in the larger ecosystem we all call home.

Each page spread contains a short rhyming poem addressing an opposing pair such as day & night or scary & afraid. Additional information for factoid lovers is clearly separated from the poems for easy selection of age appropriate passages.

Opossum Opposites will be printed as a high quality perfect bound paperback book with a sturdy 120# cover. Book dimensions will be 8.5″ wide by 8.5″ tall.

Beautiful illustrations give children a life-like impression of what opossums really look like, while placing them in a gorgeous, whimsical setting complete with giant mushrooms, fantastical flowers, and charming forest friends.

Opossum Opposites fosters empathy and kindness for the misunderstood among us with engaging rhymes and whimsical illustrations.

Opossum Opposites brings this gentle species to life and encourages children to relate and identify with them. Opossum mothers love their babies and do their best to protect them at all costs. Opossum joeys love to get dirty, wrestle, and snuggle with their parents when they’re tired – just like human kids.
All creatures great and small have intrinsic value in the world, but we humans don’t always see that value until we can relate personally. Opossum Opposites shows readers all the ways opossums serve our ecosystem and encourages us to forget the stereotype of the dirty, disease-ridden pest.
This book appeals to the socially anxious, introverts, and shy people because we can identify with opossums’ desire to remain hidden at times, and in a pinch, to hiss and show their teeth to avoid unwanted interaction.
Opossum Opposites encourages the protection of native species by teaching children and parents alike about their crucial role in the ecosystem.
Did you know opossums eat thousands of ticks every year? Or that they are immune to rabies and snake venom? Or that they eat mice, snakes, and cockroaches!
This book is beautiful and entertaining, but also makes learning sciences like biology and ecology fun and memorable.

Young children love to listen to the rhythm of rhyming verses. The singsong quality of poems grabs kids’ attention, helping them acquire and remember new vocabulary.
Opossum Opposites has been thoroughly researched and fact-checked by wildlife rehabilitation specialists at AWARE Wildlife Center and at the Chattahoochee Nature Center, as well as by several licensed rehabbers.

This book does not shy away from scientific vocabulary words that may be unfamiliar to young readers. Rather than avoid these words completely, we explain them through illustrations and supplemental information at the bottom of each page.
Older children appreciate interesting factoids they can tell their friends. Parents and educators love “Opossum talk” questions for further discussion.

Here are just a few of the comments from early readers of Opossum Opposites:

– Teneisha Jones, author of Zoo of Emotions, mom of two

I’m Gina, a longtime opossum enthusiast. I recently left teaching college French to be at home with my infant daughter and to write. In addition to children’s books, I also write humor and personal essays on Medium. My most successful article so far is called “A Possum’s Guide to Making Friends & Influencing People.”
I am the proud, incredibly lucky mother of two bilingual children. I’m married to an imported Frenchman who recently became a US citizen.
A few of the other hats I wear: dedicated tree-hugger, opossum meme maven, fanatical drinker of Earl Grey tea, world’s most uncoordinated Zumba dancer, and admirer of nocturnal animals.

My fascination with opossums began because I felt I could identify with their anxious, introverted nature. I saw a kindred spirit behind those sweet, slightly worried looking faces. It started off innocently enough – I joined opossum groups on Facebook and then started making my own memes…
One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was writing a children’s book. This process has been a lot of fun, a lot of work, and so much learning. I’m absolutely thrilled (and a little terrified) to be putting a little piece of my soul out into the world.
I have been working on a French translation of Opossum Opposites and I have hired a translator to help me with the Spanish version. The English, French & Spanish versions will all be release at the same time.
My illustrator, Aleksandra Bobrek, lives in Poland where she’s a very talented and promising art student. I have enjoyed working with her so much. Her illustrations have always gone above and beyond what I imagined. She has added such beauty and whimsy to this project and I can’t wait to see the final illustrations in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your support!