
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Quantum Possum Graphic Novel

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Product Details

This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ebook.

Physical copies of Quantum Possum will be available in late June 2024.

Quantum Possum is an inclusive, neurodivergence-affirming graphic novel taking readers on a wacky & frequently sidetracked adventure through Cosmic Bog, helping creatures in need and including everyone in the fun.

Though autism and ADHD are not overtly mentioned in the story, readers will recognize common neurodivergent traits among several of the characters:

  • Opal Opossum is very sensitive to light and noise - she wears headphones to a concert in the opening scene. She is worn out by crowds.
  • Essie Skunk carries a Rubik's cube around with her as a fidget toy. She is very logical.
  • Albin Ferret gets distracted VERY easily, has a wild imagination and some serious energy.
  • Ricky and Rocco the Raccoon Twins - One of the twins does most of the talking and the other uses echolalia, repeating much of what his brother says, to communicate.
  • Cecil the Burmese Python is very socially awkward and doesn't seem to understand personal space, but he's learning!

Educational Super Strengths in Quantum Possum

  • Neurodivergent pride, visibility & inclusion
  • Environmentally conscious - Cosmic Bog has a long and dubious history with toxic waste that may not have ever been entirely resolved...
  • Teamwork, friendship, second chances - things we all need, but sometimes need a little help to achieve.
  • Fidget breaks between chapters
  • Additional information and resources in the last pages of the book.

Book dimentions: 6.5"x9", full color, ebook, with approximately 100 pages

This ebook is the intellectual property of Gina Gallois. You may not distribute or resell this ebook. Thank you for supporting independent creators.

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DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Quantum Possum Graphic Novel
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Moonflower Press fosters love and respect for all creatures with a special focus on misunderstood creatures like opossums, cicadas, moths, and other nocturnal animals.

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